
The online home for Greg Leedberg, since 1995.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm Engaged!

It's been quite a while since I last posted here, but that's because a lot has been going on in my life. I generally don't use this blog to talk about my personal life, but I also never said that I wouldn't, so...

I'm engaged! After 5 1/2 years of dating, I proposed to my girlfriend on July 3rd -- right before my favorite holiday! We have a "tradition" (which we've only actually done once before) of going to the Portsmouth, NH, fireworks on July 3rd, then the Merrimack, NH, parade and fireworks on the 4th. So, I proposed on the beach that night after the fireworks. Ever since we first took a night walk on the beach, I knew that's where I wanted to propose.

And she said yes, which made it all the better. We're aiming for a July, 2007 wedding.

Another thing going on is that now we are moving down to Milton, MA. Milton is the closest we could get to being in the middle of our two places of work. We fell in love with the apartment we found. It's a really nice second floor apartment of a house. Great location (15 minutes to Boston, subway stop in town, but still a quiet residential town!), beautiful apartment, nice landlords.

This will slightly shorten my commute from NH, from ~1 hour to probably ~45 minutes. Any decrease in driving is good by me. I've been commuting from NH for the last year, trying to save up money for a house someday. I think that was completely the right thing to do, but I also think now is the right time in my life to take the next step forward and get an apartment that is closer to where I work. I'll still be saving money, just not quite as much.

So life is different lately! Buying engagement rings, wedding planning, apartment searching, moving... this is all new to me! But they're all happy things -- with the requisite sadness that comes with any life-changing event, of course. Exciting times for Greg Leedberg.

When exactly did this "growing up" thing happen to me?

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