The Billy Project

In Pursuit of Artificial Intelligence


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March 3, 2006 - Released the UDLP2 Link Shell v3.0.1, which (hopefully!) fixes a long-standing bug which caused the linked bots to continually just repeat their names.

September 4, 2003 - Released today is the long-awaited UDLP2 Link Shell 3.0, to accompany the new Billy. However, it is a separate release and separate download.



UDLP2 is developed by Gregory G. Leedberg. If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments, feel free to send it to me.


UDLP2 Link Shell 3.0.1

Copyright (c) 2003 - 2006, Greg Leedberg

  1. What Is UDLP2?
  2. Using The Link Shell
  3. Chat Transcripts
  4. Where To Get The Newest Version
  5. Known Issues
  6. Credits
  7. Revision History

1. What Is UDLP2?

UDLP stands for Universal Dynamic Link Protocol, and dates way back to the dark ages of Billy version 2.1. For Billy version 2.0, I had spent an obsessive amount of time figuring out how to allow people to link two copies of Billy together for a computer-only conversation. However, I realized that the way I was doing it was all wrong -- the two programs weren't actually running at the same time, one was just temporarily using the other's data files. So for version 2.1, I developed UDLP1. It was "universal" because it could link any program with the right code in it, and "dynamic" because the programs would actually be running at the same time, interacting with each other. It soon became apparent that UDLP had memory restrictions which didn't affect super-compact Billy, but which did try and excessively squeeze my in-development powerhouse bot named Daisy. So, for Daisy, UDLP2 was born. UDLP2 uses an external program, called a Shell, which links the two chatbots together. Because it is an external program, it's easy for me to improve the link mode without having to re-release programs that use it.

Every version of Daisy, and every version of Billy starting with 2.2 has since supported UDLP2. UDLP2 has grown with my bots, as I had hoped this protocol would.

2. Using The Link Shell

When you start the Link Shell, you will be prompted for the number of bots you want to link. You can link any number of bots up to 15. Note that you can link one copy of a bot to itself, even if it is only installed into one folder.

After selecting the number of bots, you will be asked to locate the folder in which the first bot is installed. This is whereever the executable file for that bot resides. This process will be repeated for each bot you want to link. If you get an error message that says "Program is not UDLP2-compatible or UDLP.NFO is missing!", then most likely the folder you have selected does not contain a UDLP2-compatible bot. Hitting "Cancel" on any of these windows will quit the program.

After you have selected all of the folders, there will be a chat window in which the bots will all chat. At this point, the conversation is out of your human control. When you want to quit, just click "Exit".

3. Chat Transcripts

Sometimes a conversation between bots is so good you'll want to keep it forever. You are given the opportunity to save a transcript when you quit the Link Shell. Just click "Yes", and find a file name to save it to. If you give a file which doesn't exist, it will be created for you. If you give a file which does exist, the chat transcript will be appended to the end of that file.

4. Where To Get The Newest Version

New versions of this Link Shell will be released from time to time. You can always get the newest version by visiting the Greg Leedberg Software Creations website.

5. Known Issues

This UDLP2 Link Shell has been tested with all programs claiming to be UDLP2-compatible. The only issues found are:

  • Both Daisy 1.0 and 1.1 are able to be linked, and will appear to work. HOWEVER, there is a good chance that they will eventually crash. If they crash, the linked conversation will continue on, but the crashed bot will remain in memory and eat up CPU time. Under Windows 2000 and XP, the crashed program can be terminated by hitting Ctrl-Alt-Del, going to the "Processes" tab, and ending the "ntvdm.exe" process. This is believed to be a problem with Daisy 1.0 and 1.1, not with this Link Shell. Therefore, only link Daisy 1.0 and 1.1 at your own risk!

6. Credits

The UDLP2 Link Shell 3.0.1 was created entirely by Greg Leedberg

7. Revision History

See the history page.