Featured Highlights
I like all the books in my collection, but this page highlights ones that are particularly interesting or notable.
The Economy of Human Life (1793)
My earliest American printing. Two moral guidance books in one binding, including one directed at women, written by a man under the guise of being a woman.
An Analytical View of the Animal Economy (1808)
My earliest book printed in the United States, a highly narrative description of the human body interspersed with religion and etiquette.
Nuremberg Chronicle (1493)
The oldest item in my collection, this is a single leaf from a book published in 1493, less than 50 years after the introduction of the printing press with the Gutenberg Bible.
XXVII Lectures, or Readings, Upon Part of the Epistle Written to the Hebrews (1590)
My oldest complete book, a collection of popular sermons given by a controversial priest.
Sensible Etiquette of the Best Society (1878)
Incredibly interesting content, describing upper middle class etiquette of the Victorian era.
The Book of Common Prayer (1751)
A common book, but this example has a stunningly beautiful binding, with marbled endpapers.
The Religion of Protestants (1638)
Arguing in favor of Protestantism, this book is surprisingly intertwined with the English Civil War that resulted in the execution of King Charles I.
British Zoology (1776)
Printed the same year that the Declaration of Independence was signed, this book seeks to document the animal species of Britain, full of illustrations.
Elements of Logic (1857)
This is a college textbook from 1857, but what makes it interesting is its prior owner — a college student who went on to fight, and die, in the Civil War.
Extinct Monsters (1893)
A book about dinosaurs from the late 1800s, just a few decades after the first dinosaurs were identified.
Woman Suffrage: History, Arguments, Results (1916)
An amazing time capsule — a guidebook to support those fighting for women’s right to vote in 1916, just a few years before the 19th amendment was passed.
We (1927)
First edition of Charles Lindbergh’s autobiography, published just a few months after his historic solo transatlantic flight.