January 15th, 1997

Hey! Wuz up! Just wanted to say I like your website a lot! It reminds me a lot of my childhood. I read and collected every issue of MAD for 8 years! All of a sudden I began seeing a lot of repeat material and got tired of buying it. Anyway, love your site!


This site reminds you of your childhood? What kind of a childhood did you have? :) Anyways, thanks for the kind words, you're my #1 fan! :)
Hello I live i Sweden and i am a big MAD fan. Sinc 1994 there is no Swedish version of MAD so I just have to buy "The real MAD" but it's NOT cheap. My MAD-page is a Swedish version only (sorry) Anyway...mail me.

-Fredrik Hogberg

"The real MAD" as opposed to what, "the fake MAD"? I didn't know about this MAD page, thanks for telling me about it! (Even if it is in Swedish... my ancestors were Swedish, but I'm all American... and don't know a word of my ancestor's language! Oh well, maybe someday!)
alf is taking over man


Alf is taking over? Sure.... and the "Fonz" is, too... next, please....
Hello Greg

Great web site! I've always loved Mad magazine and now I collect them. I trying to find issues 306, 307, 308, 316, 317, and 318. Does anyone have any of these issues for sale? If so, please e-mail me at mharris@fs2.mar.lmco.com

Thanks and stay MAD

-Mike Harris

Go ahead, people... help this poor soul achieve his life-long dream...
this sit is cool!
fa! fa! fa!

-J. Ferrell

Yes, this sit is cool... it's my sit, all my sit! Don't try to take my sit, 'cause it's my sit! Anyone else like my sit? Maybe someday you'll have your own sit!